28 de janeiro de 2010

How don't be Steved

How don't be Steved

Selected gentleman of Apple's team,

There are few importance the origin of this message because its contend easily determines what you must to do. Now you must use your brain. Caution! take it ease, see that the “with-copy e-mail list” contains several addresses and the effectiveness of your reaction and the corresponding delay should be compared, and then your job really will be in great risk. Please read this short message carefully, evaluate it's contend, go ahead, and good luck!

Mr. Steve Jobs appreciates the creative minds which can develop simple and effective systems solutions. Our intellectual products are available in the form of innovative contend for new systems, and still are the specific answers of the important questions listed below. On the other hand for the engineering question about cooling desktop machines we have more than words but just a prototype in use.

Thus, gentleman, we should suggest you:

1) add here, if you can, other important questions which you know well the answer;
2) inform to Mr. Steve Jobs if you know one specific answer for any question below;
3) submit this message to Mr. Steve Jobs, and wait for the consequences.

(Engineering cooling questions)

(Question E1) - How do engineers can improve a more simple and economic system to cooling the CPU of desktop computers, with several unexpected advantages to the environment and the user's surroundings air, protecting life of internal devices and media drives with gain in cooling efficiency?

(Question E2) - are there still unexplored search ways to correct cooling portable machines (i. e.) notebooks?

( Our words )

(If Mr. Steve Jobs are still interested, we can easily answer the (Question E1), and demonstrate with simple prototype model already in long use.

(see in our blog http://intellectvs.blogspot.com/ “The cooling problem description” to see more details)

But about the question (Question E2), it's lamentable, we only know some theoretical alternative ways but without any experimental test)

( Note 1 )

Gentleman, beyond to follow the most important market facts and the advanced industrial technology, Mr. Steve Jobs and Apple's team ever have several important questions to solve. Do you know what they are?

Some financial permanent questions have more than one correct answers which can still be generic or specific. Although this kind of questions could be well responded yesterday, and can either be well responded today, nothing it changes, because tomorrow they will remain without answer again.

Gentleman, if you know any important questions and their objective answer, please add your question, your name, and your address here, but not the respective answer, because Mr. Steve Jobs should be very interested in it, and certainly he easily will find you.

(Financial generic questions)

(Question Fa) - considering the lowest risk and high profit, what are the best capital investment classes which benefit the human progress?

(Here we are pointing two generic answers of Question Fa)

First generic answer of (Question Fa ):

“The investment class in all innovations that benefit evolution of the humanity with world-wide compulsory market without concurrent”

Second generic answer of (Question Fa ):

“The investment class in all efficient, and secure type of standardized new business units which can easy to pay themselves, and benefit the evolution of humanity

(Specific associated questions)

(Question Fb) - in considering only the first generic answer of Question Fa above, are there some specific and “compulsory” market to Apple's products absolutely without concurrent?

(Question Fc)- considering only the second generic answer of Question Fb, are there one or more specific and unlimited market to Apple's products absolutely without concurrent?

( Note 2 )

(If Mr. Steve Jobs should be interested, we already have developed contend for several innovative systems, each one is a specific fully answers for these above questions )

(Our specific answer list )

1) Corporative Combined Intelligence System – a specific answer of (Question Fb)
. innovation class: jump of corporative intelligence technology
. scientific advance: real time automatic logic coherence check in reading and writing computer complex data in text format;
. innovative application: combined system coherence analysis of global reality, and verify coherence of text documents;
. main advantages: reduces from month to minutes the reaction time of new facts in market and corporative decisions;
. immediate consequence: all operational systems and software of the class office will become obsolete
. market size: all corporations and institutions of the world
. special characteristics: integrates all corporative System in one framework

2) Control of Executive Time system – a specific answer of (Question Fb)
. innovation class: change of paradigm of executive time manager
. scientific advance: more efficiency, efficacy and effectiveness of executive work
. innovative application: Executive time manager system
. main advantages: reduces time losses and do automatic personal report and measures of efficiency of team work
. immediate consequence: all type of schedule software will become obsolete
. market size: all persons can use, mainly executives of corporations and institutions of the world
. special characteristics: integrates computer, and telephone with gps

3) Objective Communication System – a specific answer of (Question Fc)
. innovation class: jump of group communication technology
. scientific advance: objective and interactive communication of quality information of virtual consumer groups
. innovative application: corporative use integrated in 1); superior business unit of group communication services
. main advantages: maximum efficiency in message addressing, may to know real consumer demand
. immediate consequence: reinforce power of all present systems of communication already local implemented
. market size: all corporations around the world and all human community
. special characteristics: it is the most efficient system of human educational information transfer vehicle

4) Integrated Food Investment Community Unit – a specific answer of (Question Fc)
. innovation class: change of paradigm of social food production model technology
. scientific advance: more efficiency in food production and transport, drastic reduction in energy consume
. innovative application: community investment food production unity
. main advantages: losses reduction in all of food activity, guaranty of the payment to fix coust give lower economical risk
. immediate consequence: more natural quality food with minimal price to consumers, city energy economy of 40%
. market size: all the world where human can produce food to provisioning a community
. special characteristics: optimizes several aspects of food production and distribution with minimal transport distance


(mysterious and innovative questions)

1) What is the still unknown concept of corporation combined intelligence?
Answer:(a text already exist in the blog, but in Portuguese)
2) How to effectively improve the civilized world only using Apple's products;
Answer:(implementing one or more of the four systems above)

(Administrative questions)
(without text yet)

1) How to eliminate idiots without stress, and more easily to guide a team to the success?
2) How to manage the creativity in order generate more objective innovations?
3) How to improve risk reduction in operations?
4) How to convert potential concurrent to partners by tactics and strategy?
5) How to get freedom in life by eliminating the fear effects in mind?
6) How to reduces misunderstood in marketing? (when to identify the consumer with yourself or not?)


Gentleman, notice that the author of this message is merely a recent new user of a MacBook Pro, that still remains in the box, making use of the information contained in our contract, in order to:

1) point out and discuss an occult vicious in cooling system, which stays in all personal computer machines, including my new notebook Apple;

2) advise Apple's team that we discussed in detail the problem since its origin until the present in our blog http://intellectvs.blogspot.com/

3) report Apple's team that we have the correct solution, and that we can easily demonstrate with a simple prototype already in long time of use, that stay working well.

4) finally propose a simple partnership, where:

We offer: (a) the correct solution of this engineering fail in cooling machines; (b) the way to transform it in money by a strategic partnership to supply every desktop machines (c) help to Apple's team in the search to develop a notebook solution; (d) contend developed to several strategic innovations cited above.

Our payoff: a partner some help to: (a) urgent contract a lower in USA in order to register our patents and rights; (2) invest our money without fear of be tortured and reviled again; (3) get out here and rescue our freedom (i. e.) SOS = help!!!

Sancte Pontifex
A cvltv et hvmanitate provinciae longissime absvm. Idemqve Phaedrvs ad romae temporvm, ad rivvm evndem lupus et agnvs venerant. Svperior stabat lvpvs, hostivm ad institvtis ivstitiae lvpvs svnt, longeqve inferior agnvs (ecce homo, ecce machinator, nec pastor, non sacerdos) . Tunc favces improba latro incitatvs ivrgii causam intvlit. Timidvs agnvs pascebat in loco pascvae svper aqvam refectionis, territvs svbito clamore hostivm, ipsa svadebat fvgere ne possent capi. Pater Noster qvi es in caelis libera nos a malo, et a maledictvm et a immodica oratio, absit invitia, libera nos de sangvinibvs, ad bonorvm omnivm et ad popvlvm qvi est pro libertate, preces effvndimvs, salvtis meae, et exsvltabit lingva mea ivstitiam tvam.

26 de janeiro de 2010


Inside of computer cabinet there is always a metallic box named energy-source, which contains several electronic-components in a circuit-board (semiconductors, converters, rectifiers, resistors, condensers, inductors and transformers). Several kinds of electric devices, either industrial and domestic need an energy-source. The electric resistance of the energy-source electronic components causes natural loss of electrical energy in the form of heat that increases the components temperature. Each electronic-component is a particular physical system. Each temperature value corresponds to a particular system state with different physical variable values. Thus, changing the component's temperature modifies its electric behavior. On the other hand, high temperatures can cause irreversible chemical reactions and permanent material deformations in the component's insulation. When an energy-source model is tested, and increases its temperature above the operational limit, it needs to be cooled to avoid damage, and the electrical engineer adds a proper fan in its project.

A standard commercial energy-source-box with fan was used to assemble the first personal-computer prototypes. However prototypes are only rustic solutions and may have some imperfection. Probably in order to gain time when assembling their prototypes, engineers ventilated the CPU cabinet only with the energy-source fan, pushing or pulling the cooling air directly inside the CPU, because they were mounting prototypes in some laboratory with clean conditioned air.

Several electronic and electromechanical devices can be assembled in the cabinet of a computer central processing unit, CPU. Beyond the electric energy source, inside the cabinet of the CPU, there is a motherboard with on-board-devices, and controllers. Finally, the hard-disks and the media drives are connected by suited electric cables both to the energy source, and to the external bus. When the computer works, the energy-source supplies the suited energy to all devices connected to the motherboard. During the machine operation the processor and some other electronic chips, and electromechanics devices can generate heat inside the CPU cabinet.

To avoid troubles caused by increasing temperature, the most heated electronic components are connected to some metallic fin arrangement named heat-sink. The heat-sink dissipates heat by a steady-state heat-conduction to the air. However, this heat-transfer only occurs as a result of the difference of temperature between the heat sink and the air. Thus, both the energy source box, and the cabinet require obviously a suited ventilation.

“the bark of one dog was repeated thousand times along a forty years' dark”

Since the first prototypes until the 80386 /486 desktop generation, the processor and the bus chip-set worked with low MHz clock frequencies, and all the electric energy loss in the form of heat was dissipated only adding the proper heat sink arrangement. The vendor contract, and the installation guide of all these old machines recommended care with the air quality of the installation place, mainly because the old magnetic media drives were easily damaged by smoke and dust. Under these ideal clean surrounding care conditions, obviously, it is possible to maintain the same prototype ventilation paradigms. So, the use of the energy-source fan taking air inside the PC cabinet remains in place of the correct solution to ventilate and to cool all these old PC generations (i. e.) the problem created by this fail was simply transferred to the consumer, and only solved by more surrounding air requests in the contract clauses.

“and remains until the present”

The same error was widely repeated without questioning. So, until the present days this lamentable cooling mistake, that is present in all electric machines, remains untouched in place of the correct engineer solution.

Newer computer electronic circuits works with GHz clock frequencies. This fact increases the electric energy loss in the form of heat in all parts of the machine, and so, a great amount of more heat needs to be conducted to the internal cabinet air. The new processors and their chip-sets need much more cooling, with great efficiency both, in the heat-transfer solutions and ventilation.

(in the end of old electronic age, cold transistors and leads took place of hot valves and lamps ... now we can cook eggs again in electronic devices ... there is something putrid in this realm... one may ask oneself: are there some association between Intell and intellectvs? )


To cool actual processors, the electronic engineers must install a big fan-heat-sink unit, which is placed efficiently in contact with the metallic processor top surface by using thermal grease, and finally secure them all onto a suitable socket base. In the desktop models the form and size of the cpu-fan-heat sink unit may also vary, although the motherboard vendors suggest the use of high quality fan with 4800 rpm at least.

Applying only this solution has been the practice to take the cooling air inside cabinet by the fan and discharge it into the heat sink When there is, between the heat sink and the local air, a great difference of temperature this arrangement can resist, but if the surrounding air temperature increases, this apparatus fails, and the machine can burn if no external ventilators are provided to push the air directly to the machine with the cabinet all open.


To take the cool air directly outside the CPU to the processor heat sink, other circular region with small holes is aligned with a tube until the square CPU_fan_heat sink As this circle-square tube-fan connection is imperfect, it is evident that part of the used-air flow is pulled through those four circle-square open spaces to low pressure regions inside the tube, which are created by the same fan, and circulates again across the heat sink with great loss of cooling efficiency, and the internal air is heated, and the above mentioned trouble returns ...


Very pressed to occult their difficulty to solve this critical and ridiculous mistake of heat-transfer, the electronic engineers did not think so far, they applied again their linear solution, and simply installed small fans in several devices, (we already can see fans in HD, video controllers …), and to complete the show of “fluid mechanics”,they distributed several fans pushing air out of the cabinet, through an amount of small holes made in a circular region with the same diameter of the fan.

In the climax of this amount of accumulated mistakes, beyond the oldest energy-source fan taking air inside the cabinet, now we can see that there is one of these big fans at each end, fighting against the other fans, and the result has very low heat-transfer efficiency.


Outside of laboratory conditions the air quality is out of control. Under home conditions the air is unappropriated to cool personal computer machines using the above dark age solution. So, as we already know, the CPU box is not well ventilated, the internal air circulation will overheat near components and other devices inside the CPU and it can burn.

On the other hand, as we already know, it has been found preferable, therefore, to install ventilating ducts, taking cool air from outside the CPU. Therefore, if this same CPU box is well ventilated, then Machines thus ventilated accumulate dirt quickly and the general thermal efficiency loss occurs still more quick, because the blades of all fans are damaged by dusty layer and lost efficiency, and because dust penetrates in the fan rotor and stops it, then its circuit burns and the short circuit produce more heat, and finally the energy-source circuit burns and the machine collapses.

19 de janeiro de 2010

Curriculum Vitae

01.Dados pessoais

Nome: Claydson Guimarães Cova
Nascimento: 07.04.1955
Filiação: Harry Guimarães Cova
Zuila de Melo e Silva Cova
CREA: 42.360-D
Registro: CREA-RJ 7976/80
Identidade: 1.242.329-IPF-RJ
CPF: 503.478.377-00
CTPS: 41.438 série 00001 AC-RO
Tít.Eleitor: 98.979.120/70 Zona 001 Seção 0104
Telefone: (21) 7317-4074
e-mail: claydsongcova@gmail.com ou cgcova@vm.uff.br

02.Áreas de atuação profissional

Inteligência combinada para análise de Mercado de Capitais
Processo da atividade de política econômica - macroeconomia
Processos institucionais de estratégia e planejamento
Desenvolvimento, análise e informatização de sistemas
Elaboração de balanços energéticos estaduais
Planejamento energético nacional
Planejamento mineral nacional
Pesquisa aplicada à mineração de ouro aluvial
Planejamento científico e tecnológico estadual
Administração municipal de obras e serviços públicos
Planejamento urbano municipal integrado
Desenvolvimento e registro de patentes de modelos de utilidade
Planejamento, projeto e execução de obras de construção civil
Cálculo estrutural, aço, concreto e madeira

03.Experiência profissional

Engenheiro sênior da Universidade Federal Fluminense - UFF
Engenheiro da UnB em Cooperação Técnica na UFF (04/2003)
Consultor Coordenador da PlanNet Consultoria e Informática Ltda. (03/2003)
Engenheiro da Fundação Universidade de Brasília FUB/UnB (04/1994) (03/2000).
Engenheiro da Coordenadoria de Modernização e Informática do Ministério de Minas e Energia (17/02/94)
Engenheiro do Departamento Nacional de Desenvolvimento Energético (DNDE), Ministério da Infra-Estrutura
Engenheiro da Secretaria Nacional de Energia (SNE), Ministério de Minas e Energia (15/04/90) Engenheiro da Coordenadoria de Recursos Minerais (CRM) - Secretaria de Tecnologia (SETEC), Ministério das Minas e Energia.(18/02/88) (15/04/90)
Assessor Especial da Secretaria de Estado da Segurança Pública de Rondônia (23/06/85) - (15/09/86)
Diretor da Divisão de Planejamento Científico e Tecnológico da Secretaria de Estado da Indústria, Comércio, Ciência e Tecnologia de Rondônia (25/10/84) (23/06/85)
Engenheiro na Indústria Mecânica de Rondônia Ltda. - IMERON - Porto Velho/RO (09/03/84) Secretário Municipal de Obras e Serviços Públicos da Prefeitura Municipal de Guajará-Mirim - Rondônia (28/04/83) (05/01/84)
Diretor da Divisão de Planejamento Urbano de Guajará-Mirim / RO (29/10/81) (28/04/83) Engenheiro civil do Governo do Território Federal de Rondônia (05/10/81)
Engenheiro de campo na Construtora Vértice Ltda. - Guajará-Mirim/RO (09/02/81) (09/09/81)

04.Outras atividades

Editor da “Página de Ciência e Tecnologia” do jornal "O Guaporé" - Porto Velho/RO (1987)
Professor de Física no curso pré-vestibular do CCAA - Porto Velho/RO (1984)
Professor de Desenho de arquitetura - Secretaria Municipal de Educação e Cultura - SEMEC - Guajará-Mirim/RO (1983)
Professor de Elementos de Matemática pela Universidade Federal do Pará - Núcleo de Extensão em Rondônia, Curso de Licenciatura Curta em Ciências (01/12/81) (28/02/82)


Aluno Especial de Doutorado em Economia - UnB - 1999
JAVA - Programação para Internet - Tecsoft - 1996
FUB/Ergonomia - UnB - 1995
Qualidade Total FUB/UnB/SEBRAE - 1995
Banco de dados relacional - ZIM - 1993
Elaboração de Balanços Energéticos, MME - 1993
Língua Portuguesa - Curso Profª Margarita - 1991
Treinamento em Informática, MME/SMAI - 1988/1990
Tecnologia da Madeira - Convênio IPT - 1985
Tecnologias de Agricultura Alternativa - MA - 1984
Reciclagem de Lixo Urbano - IPT - 1984
Tecnologias alternativas de energia
Tecnologia da construção de Dragas-Balsas - IMERON (RO)
Administração Financeira - CEAG/Porto Velho (RO) - 1984
Treinamento para novos prefeitos - SEPLAN - 1983


Sistema de Inteligência Combinada para Corporações - inovação
Sistema de Comunicação Objetiva - interação com grupos - inovação
Empresa de Reintegração Social e Participação Comunitária - inovação
Sistema de Integração e Análise de Mercado - informação WEB - inovação
Sistema de Administração do Tempo para Executivos - inovação
Processo da Atividade de Política Econômica - levantamento e definição
Sistema de Planejamento do CDT - UnB - 1996
Projeto de rede de computadores - Planejamento da Reitoria UnB
Mineração e Meio Ambiente, Mercúrio no Meio Ambiente - monografia (1989) - Concurso DNPM
Separador Hidrogravimétrico de Leito Cônico - Rondônia (1987) - Equipamento não poluente para mineração de ouro aluvial sem utilizar Hg
Canal com drenos para o trato hidrogravimétrico contínuo de minerais por diferença de densidade - Equipamento para mineração de ouro aluvial. Parecer favorável do Centro de Tecnologia Mineral - CETEM (RJ) (1983/1987) - Registro no INPI: 6700335, 27/02/87
Mesa de desenho - PRACTEC - modelo de utilidade. Registro no INPI: 36201683-9, dez/82 - 1004000008. Primeiro Prêmio na Feira de Tecnologia de Rondônia - I RONTEC (10/04/83)

07.Formação universitária

Engenharia Civil: 3615 horas/aula
Créditos obtidos: 232
Colação de grau: 12 de julho de 1980

08.Outras atividades acadêmicas

Ensaios Destrutivos em Peças de Concreto Armado - Laboratório de Estruturas da Coordenação de Programas de Pós-Graduação de Engenharia do Centro de Tecnologia da Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro - COPPE (1979)
Monitor da Cadeira de Topografia II na Universidade Federal Fluminense no segundo período letivo do ano de 1979
Monitor da Cadeira de Topografia I na Universidade Federal Fluminense no primeiro período letivo do ano de 1979

09.Estágios em Engenharia

Castelo Bahia Construtora de Formas Ltda. - Formas para Concreto Armado, Cubagem de Concreto, Cálculo de área de formas, Fiscalização - Rio de Janeiro (RJ) - 1979
Setor de Instalações Prediais na Empresa Municipal de Obras Públicas da Cidade do Rio de Janeiro - EMOP - Matrícula nº 350702-5 - 1978
Setor de Estradas e Loteamentos da Jagler Incorporadora Ltda. (cubagem de terra, corte, aterro, bota-fora, rendimento de equipamentos, cronograma) - Niterói (RJ) - 1977

10.Formação secundária

Vestibular: Universidade Federal Fluminense - matrícula nº 2753036 - Pontuação: 5.602 - jan/1975

Estágios: Manoel Machado Engenharia - Desenhista Auxiliar de Arquitetura - Niterói (RJ) - 1971

Cursos técnicos:
Desenhista Auxiliar de Arquitetura (Programa Intensivo de Preparação de Mão-de-Obra - PIPMO) - Universidade Federal Fluminense - 200 horas /aula - 1970
Inglês Audio-Visual na Instituição Educacional Os Borges - IEOB - Niterói (RJ) - 1969
Radio-técnico na Escola Homega de Rádio e Televisão - Niterói (RJ) - 1968

Ensino Médio: Liceu Nilo Peçanha - Niterói (RJ).

16 de janeiro de 2010

Multidão de sábios é coisa muito improvável

Não é uma exclusividade de Steve Jobs a percepção do fato de que a grande maioria das pessoas nas organizações mais sofisticadas do mundo, as corporações de alta tecnologia, embora bem vestidas e falando quase do mesmo modo, na verdade, para efeito de raciocínio objetivo e tomada de decisão, são verdadeiros idiotas. Isso é apenas mais uma atribuição injusta de crédito alheio que ele está recebendo.

Se não considerarmos pelo cinismo a Diógenes, que procurava em praça pública com uma lâmpada durante o dia por um homem "lúcido" entre os homens comuns, então, não poderíamos deixar de lado o formal Nicolau Maquiavel, que escreveu no capítulo XXII de "O Príncipe", escrito há cinco séculos, que é possível distinguir "candidatos a ministro" pela capacidade mental, em três categorias, da seguinte maneira: "um tipo de mente compreende as coisas sem ajuda; outro entende as coisas demonstradas por outrem, finalmente, há os que nada conseguem compreender só ou com a assistência dos outros. A primeira espécie é a melhor, a segunda também é boa, mas a terceira é inútil."

Inteligência criativa

As mentes do primeiro tipo são inquietas e questionadoras, não engolem sentença sem coerência e buscam o conhecimento verdadeiro para solucionar problemas reais. Atacam as questões furiosamente em busca de solução e deixam de lado os exercícios, dentre os quais os da "prova" de inteligência acadêmica. O ritmo da sala de aula é muito lento e tedioso para essas mentes inquietas. Elas logo ficam entediadas e desinteressadas, e acabam abandonando a escola para procurar o conhecimento de forma direta e objetiva.

Os medíocres julgam as ideias pelo status do autor

As mentes do segundo tipo, para as quais a escola regula seu ritmo lento, decoram os exercícios dados em aula, fazem tudo que o mestre recomenda, pois, seu objetivo principal é ganhar muitos pontos para agradar o pai. Incapazes em análise e julgamento, eles não possuem discernimento para embasar suas "opiniões", que são sempre superficiais e inconsistentes, porque o fazem por imitação de alguém, escolhido por referência por ser famoso, rico ou poderoso.

Mecanismo da infecção das empresas

Os idiotas infectam a inteligência das corporações pela via acadêmica, porque o modo mais fácil de aprender sem raciocinar é justamente quando alguém ensina. A escola é para os medíocres, por isso os inteligentes têm educação diferenciada. Durante o treinamento acadêmico de hipocrisia os medíocres aprendem a imitar comportamentos e repetir os chavões acadêmicos da moda.

Quando as empresas crescem elas precisam admitir pessoal para dividir o trabalho. As tarefas de rotina podem ser bem executadas pelas mentes do segundo tipo, até ai, admitir medíocres não tem nenhum problema. A contaminação inicia quando o primeiro medíocre é alçado inadvertidamente nas áreas de poder e decisão da empresa. Primeiro, ele passa a escolher seus ajudantes e contrata uma multidão de faladores e bajuladores iguais a ele, depois desvia todo o esforço da sua equipe para atacar as mentes criativas, nessa frenética atividade eles consomem recursos gerando cizânia, mentira, falsidade, calúnia, hipocrisia e muita ostentação. Os criativos empenhados em trabalhar são presa fácil dos cretinos e vão sendo eliminados e progressivamente substituídos por outros bajuladores, até extinguir toda a inteligência inicial e matar a empresa.

Dai em diante eles assumem a liderança do defunto e o resultado não poderia ser outro, a derrocada de inúmeras iniciativas geniais pela deturpação, e milhares de decisões erradas. A presença dos idiotas é tão grande nas corporações que, embora a cooperação resulte sempre superior ao conflito, o jargão da competição interna se tornou um discurso acadêmico universal. A cooperação resulta sempre melhor resultado, não só na prática corrente, mas pela própria teoria dos jogos simples, que apesar de inútil para os jogos mais complexos como o xadrez, é tão admirada na academia. Finalmente, a maioria das grandes criações são ignoradas pelos medíocres, porque onde não tem dinheiro para criar a imagem da sabedoria os idiotas simplesmente ignoram.

Podemos facilmente mostrar para qualquer um, mas o faremos somente ao Sr. Steve Jobs, se ele nos procurar

Nós podemos facilmente demonstrar o elevado nível da mediocridade humana de várias maneiras em tempo real. Una prova da idiotice coletiva é uma deficiência tecnológica óbvia e facílima de resolver, que está presente em todos os equipamentos elétricos e eletrônicos, incluindo os equipamentos de informática, bem na cara de todos. O problema e as fotos das consequências estão na Wikipedia, na Internet mas ninguém vê, porque é um problema de paradigma de engenharia, por isso, podemos afirmar que os computadores pessoais e corporativos, de todos os fabricantes, inclusive a Apple, apenas refletem a plena contaminação das áreas de engenharia das empresas de alta tecnologia pela mediocridade acadêmica em engenharia. O detalhe é que no passado os problemas semelhantes foram facilmente resolvidos pelos verdadeiros engenheiros e a solução ainda hoje se encontra nos livros antigos de engenharia. E ainda damos um doce a quem descobrir o problema que estamos tratando.